| Artisan Centering and Focusing Meditation
Focusing The Artisan's Five Channels of Input Into One Direction and Toward One Goal
Envision a rotating fan with 5 blades that are moving in a clockwise motion directly in front of you. The rotation speed of the 5 blades is exactly the right speed for your own particular vibrational frequency automatically, so you don't need to worry about trying to direct this part of the exercise. Just notice that they ARE in fact moving in a clockwise direction.
Now begin to envision a single "all seeing eye" in the center of the 5 fan blades, which is looking directly into your own eyes, or into your own third eye, more precisely, from within the very center of the wheel. Allow the motion of the 5 fan blades to continue rotating around the outside of your peripheral vision.
[You are now simply aware of the motion and rotation of
the 5 fan blades being there, however they are no longer the central focus of the exercise.]
Now begin focusing into the eye itself. You are just looking into *it*, even as it is looking back into you. You are aware of the motion of the fan blades in your peripheral vision now, as well as the constant and steady gaze of the all-seeing eye, which is gazing back at you from within the center of the fan wheel. Your eyes and the all-seeing eye meet, becoming one single, connected focus. Breathe into that connection, surrendering and allowing it to deepen gradually, letting go of all other outside distractions.
Continue surrendering and allowing the connection with your own all-seeing eye to deepen, and with your own true essence presence and awareness (as one complete and enveloping experience) to just "BE." Do not try to direct any part of the meditation exercise now; simply allow yourself to just be with it. Allow your essence energy to take you wherever it wants to take you and to show you whatever it wishes to show you.
You are letting go now as you continue to surrender into the central focus of the all-seeing eye in the center of the 5 rotating fan blades. Allow yourself to simply surrender, relaxing even more deeply now, and breathing into the energy, motion, direction, focus and guidance that is being offered to you by your most true and essential self.
Just allow your own essential self to align, center and balance you as personality, as this exercise unfolds. Follow the essence energy and awareness to flow down into the central focus of the experience that you are having in this mediation exercise, and simply give yourself over to it completely! Allow your own true and essential self to completely "have its way with you!"
Always remember to just breathe into whatever experience may come up for you in any meditation exercise. Simply allow your essence's energy, direction, input, and perspective to come into your energy fields as an expression of your true personality. This is the most beneficial way to make use of the opportunity for essence's direction, guidance and input to then be utilized in your daily life experiences.
This meditation is an excellent way to make a deeper connection with your own essential self and to experience "self to self" essence contact.
This meditation exercise can be done whenever your focus, or alignment with essence is unclear, scattered or occluded in some way. The more often you are able to utilize this meditation exercise, the better, and the more focused you will become in time. Soon, all five channels of input will begin to work together in a more balanced function toward a common goal or purpose.
Note* This exercise may also be tailored to fit those with two or three levels of input as well, (such as priests or sages), by simply changing the number of arms that you would use on your fan to match the number of input levels of your particular essence role. All else would then remain the same.
This meditation enables those with multiple channels of input to begin to channel all of their energy into one direction, and toward a deeper and more fulfilling connection with their own essential self.