Channeled Michael Chat The 3 Aspects of the Instinctive Center Channel: Terri C. Benning Date: Friday, February 07, 2003 MICHAEL: Good evening. We are here, and are ready to proceed as requested on the chosen topic of interest this evening. There is much we could delve into within the topic of the instinctive center functioning, however we will contain our comments to a more general area of focus in our opening statements. We are aware that our channel is interested in the further exploration of the three primary components of the instinctive center, and thus we will begin with a brief description of these 3 Aspects of the Instinctive Center functions.
Many of our students think of the instinctive center as possessing essentially ONE primary function, however, it contains many layers of access to myriad functions of the whole being. The instinctive center in fact is comprised of all three of the ordinal centers, the moving, the emotional, and the intellectual centers, which are also contained *within* it. This is why it is referred to as the "assimilation" axis or as the neutral center. Each aspect or layer of the instinctive center serves a specific area of the ordinal center function as a whole, assisting in giving the fragment feedback of various forms within the life experiences, *through* the auspices of these 3 instinctive center functions.
The instinctive center contains within it a moving, an emotional and an intellectually centered function or component. Each aspect allows for the greater assimilation of ALL of the centers by the fragment while incarnate in a physical body form. It allows such information to anchor and to ground into the physical plane vehicle, for either current or future use by the essence.
1. INSTINCTIVE CENTER: (Moving Function)
Within the moving centered functions of the instinctive center you might find such information as would pertain to the anatomic functions and preservation of the current physical body. It is that part of the instinctive center which houses both past and present lifetime information directly pertaining to what the body needs and requires in order to function healthily and holistically, for instance. It stores within it certain knowledge of what the current body requires in order to maintain and sustain itself in a healthy fashion, that is to say. In this sense, it could be said that this level of the instinctive center body awareness is intelligent in it's own right, and that such functions will naturally strive to balance, to harmonize and to integrate themselves in the most healthful and healing combination of fully balanced physical functioning possible.
Each of the 3 aspects of the instinctive center will offer you both bodily and energetic feedback as to that which is most suited to it's unique requirements, if the fragment is indeed open and receptive to receiving such information from this assimilation axis center. The moving centered aspect of the instinctive center is, of course, also closely tied into or linked with those of the moving centered urges toward procreation of the species as well. It is often this moving aspect of the instinctive center that will know and recognize when it has located a compatible biological vehicle for procreation or reproductive purposes. Thus, what has also been termed, and sometimes misunderstood, or confused with the sexual center in our teachings, is also strongly linked into the moving aspect of the instinctive center functions as well. This is where body knowing or body recognition and/or body attraction is often *first* felt, recognized and responded to by the fragments who may be so involved in the search for a mate that will complement their own unique gene pool requirements. It is a very physical or moving center aspect of the instinctive center bodily functions, that is to say, wherein what might be termed the "mating urge" is first felt and responded to by most fragments, initially. Of course, soul age perceptions and essence requirements will also serve to temper some of these initial impressions in the later mature and older soul cycles, but this basic function of the instinctive center, within the moving aspect, will often signal the fragment in some way when a good potential mate is in the vicinity.
INSTINCTIVE CENTER: (Emotional Function)
MICHAEL: The second aspect of the instinctive center is more closely aligned and tied in with that of the emotional center. This is where much of what you might term your "karmic residue" or your karmic records and memories are stored and/or housed. While the moving aspect of the instinctive center is primarily concerned with the healthful and balanced functioning of the *current* physical vehicle, and with preserving and maintaining the longevity of the physical body itself, the secondary aspect is more concerned with what has been learned thus far in the evolution of the essence/fragment, and with recognition of those fragments and circumstances that have been encountered in various ways in past lives, as well as within the current incarnation. This is often where most of the karmic, or more specifically the traumatic residue of past experiences is stored. Certain types of physical body trauma may also be stored here from the current life experience as well, but will be utilized by essence very often in ways which may then grant fuller access to further past life information stored within the deeper layers of the emotional center part or aspect of the instinctive center.
While the moving part or aspect of the instinctive center is likely to respond most strongly to *current* life input through the physical body vehicle, and to assist you in preserving the body itself through needed action taken in the moment, the emotional center will often hold keys to such "earlier similar" energies and events which may be stored within the emotional aspect of the instinctive center. Depending upon the frequency of occurrence of a particular line or type of traumatic experience, these earlier similar events, or *original cause* incidents will be housed in various layers of the instinctive center as memories or records of those experiences and/or events. This is one reason it may sometimes be difficult for the fragment to discern if what they are experiencing is a present time concern, or a past life issue involving an external stimulus of some kind. In some cases, it can indeed be that both are true, however each aspect is best viewed from it's own "primary directory" as you might term it, in order to better assess where the instinctive center feedback is truly coming from. Learning how to access this type of instinctive center information brings us to the final aspect of the triad, or to the intellectual center component within the instinctive center.
INSTINCTIVE CENTER: (Intellectual Function)
MICHAEL: Most fragments will use the intellectual aspect of the instinctive center in order to gain initial access to the information stored in all three layers or sections of the instinctive center. The intellectual center allows fragments a degree of distance and objectivity in their initial exploration of their instinctive center content, holdings or records. Thus, many of our students are most comfortable processing instinctive centered content through their intellectual aspect point of access within the instinctive center. This does vary to some degree, however, depending upon the preferred centering of the fragment, of course. Some fragments prefer to go straight to the source and to move the content, directly through the utilization of higher moving centered energy "flushes", with no real need or desire to actually view the content of the past life experience itself. This is primarily a matter of individual choice in their preferred approach and preference in the matter. Other fragments may wish to "witness" their own experiences for validation and/or for learning purposes, or some may simply be intrigued by the story line and the drama of it all. Thus, different fragments will select different methods of accessing, processing and moving such experiential content through their instinctive center functions One means is no more valid, from our perspective, than another, in terms of which center the fragment chooses to utilize in order to view, to experience and to interact with their own instinctive centered content.
MICHAEL: Very well, we will take a short break here now, and will resume with Q and A in FIVE minutes. That is all for the now.
TERRI: Okay then, H will take questions in order of the FIRST que in the bank then. Going back into channel now...later peeps.
MICHAEL: We are here, please proceed with your questions now.
W: Does each gender tend to use one "center" over another, and if so, why?
MICHAEL: We would remind you and all here present that regardless of sexual gender or orientation, infant, baby and young soul age lessons are, in general, dictated by the essential need or desire to gather physical plane experiences of all types and manner to themselves for their evolutionary progress and ultimate resolution in and through the mature and old soul age cycles. Thus, physical body attractions and perceptions of the younger soul fragments are often initiated from within the moving aspect of the instinctive center.
W: What of Older Souls?
MICHAEL: Once the fragment moves into the mature and later the older soul age cycle perceptions however, the emphasis will often shift to the emotional aspect of the instinctive center drive in the mature soul cycle, and later to the more intellectually oriented perceptions of the old soul cycle.
W: That resonates very strongly for me! Thank you.
MICHAEL: We would not say that one is preferable over the other based solely upon "gender" alone however.
W: Is there any specific "thing" that leads to such preference?
MICHAEL: Male/female energy ratios may sometimes imply a stronger leaning toward one or another of the 3 instinctive center aspects, or functions, perhaps, depending upon soul age perceptions, as we have stated above, and also upon the chosen body type undertaken in the course of the lifetime experiences, and the fragment's preferred centering in general and chosen overleaf configuration.
W: I understand this. Thank you again.
MICHAEL: There are many factors which underlie and underscore the functioning of the instinctive center "complex," you may wish to term it. The instinctive center is geared to offer the fragment certain specific types of feedback in the life experiences, and serves to anchor these essential memories and automatic or natural functions, more precisely, *into* the physical plane vehicle. It is not at all uncommon for fragments to become wary of the feedback or the "messages" that they may receive from their own instinctive center responses, due to the fact that much of this center's content is of either a subconscious, or even an unconscious nature. Thus a fear and/or a distrust of the instinctive center functions will emerge for some fragments from time to time, effectively cutting off, or blocking or inhibiting the natural flow of information, energy and/or content that the instinctive center knowledge base has to offer. Making friends with your instinctive center functions and learning how to read such messages and feedback, and to discern their origin and/or their aspect within the instinctive centered responses to external stimuli is all good work we would add.
Discussion of an experiential nature among those fragments who would wish to apply this information directly would serve useful to many of you, we would surmise, such as offering one another examples of each of the 3 Aspects of the Instinctive Center, and how the fragment has approached interaction with their own instinctive centered content would prove most useful as well.
MICHAEL: All right, we will take the next que now please. Thank you for your que tonight W.
W. Thank you for your extensive response, Michaels.
X: Good evening, Michael. If I understand correctly, I believe you stated that the emotional aspect of the instinctive center houses memories and records from previous lifetimes. How does this differ from the Akashic Records?
MICHAEL: The akashic records are collectively held and maintained upon the akaskic plane itself, while your own emotional contents (within the instinctive center) are generally of a more personal or perhaps even of a more ordinal nature and are stored within the body itself, or upon the physical plane, more precisely.
X: Are memories of every lifetime I've lived stored in my personal emotional center?
MICHAEL: The "akashic records" involves an entire plane of existence, wherein your own unique and individual records are also housed, as well as maintained, much like a living, energetic library of sorts. The akashic plane records house 7 distinct levels or stories of the akashic plane library, and each level within the library has it's own attendants which oversee that level of the akashic records library content.
Your own personal records are *also* stored within your own data or file system too, of course, and are ordered and structured in a way in which serves your essential needs, choices and requirements for the lifetime you are living now. Lessons which are being worked on within the current lifetime contexts are layered nearest the top of the file system, within your personal records, while other lessons, information, etc. which is not pertinent to the current contexts is housed in deeper layers of the emotional / instinctive aspect. Each fragment has access to the greater akashic plane library system of the collective akashic memory or plane of existence, within the deepest layers of their own personal akashic records. Some fragments who carry a high degree of exalted energy within their essence dynamic configurations will sometimes tap into this greater or collective level of the akashic plane spontaneously, while working with their own exalted perceptions and sometimes also with their own more exalted karmic residue as well.
X: Can you describe how an ordinal fragment would go about accessing the records contained in either our instinctive centers or the akashic memories?
MICHAEL: Access to the akashic plane or to the collective library is not limited to exalted fragments only, however they will more often reach toward those lower levels of the akashic plane perceptions spontaneously, especially if they are truly seeking to resolve their exalted karmic ribbons. The most direct route for an ordinally oriented fragment would be through their own personal records, resolving the internal context and becoming comfortable in their management of this level of the work, then moving from this point of what you might term self mastery, toward facilitating smaller groups of fragments, perhaps from their own entity group, or from their greater cadence group, or through a task group configuration of which they may be a part. Much will depend as well upon the casting influences which are found to be prevalent in the essence dynamics as well.
We are aware of fragments who possess very ordinal roles and overleaves, however, and who also possess one or more highly exalted casting influences, and these fragments have become quite adept at accessing both ordinal and exalted levels of the akashic plane records, although generally speaking, this is enacted with additional assistance granted the fragment by those who would reside on various levels of the akashic plane itself.
As we assist our students to grasp our causal plane perceptions, so are there teachers who would chose to work with physically incarnate fragments from the 7 levels of the akashic plane perceptions as well. These teachers may or may not chose to utilize words and concepts such as we utilize, however they are quite adept at both accessing and transferring akashic plane data, imagery and information to older soul fragments especially, who are residing upon the physical plane. There are a number of ways and means by which both exalted and/or ordinal fragments may choose to pursue such direct experiences with the akashic plane itself. But we would highly recommend learning to navigate the personal akashic plane memories within your own instinctive centered functions prior to extending this capability outward toward the greater collective records. Learning to manage this instinctive center energy is essential to the process, we would add.
MICHAEL: That is all on this que for now. Thank you for your question tonight X. Next que please.
[Rest of the Q & A sesson snipped for privacy sake, as well as being off topic]
Good evening. That is all for now. ~ END.
Channeled Michael Chat Channel: Terri Claire Benning Animal Wisdom Classes Human - Animal Essence Contact Date: Friday, January 17, 2003 MICHAEL: We are cleaning up and clearing the energy fields now, and will be with you all more directly shortly. Please allow your breath to simply relax and let go of whatever else is not part of your now moment. Just allow all tension and the day's stresses to fade away, and invite your full essence consciousness to join you in this NOW moment. We will meet you each HERE, now.
Very well, our channel has requested that we speak about your Medicine Wheel meditations, thus this is the topic we will now comment upon this evening..
Balancing the Lower Centers ~ Emotional, Intellectual and Moving
There are many valid ways to focus your intention and attention toward more consciously aware essence contact experiences, both with self, and with other fragments, including with those of the "animal essence" variety.
One may choose to do this type of focusing practice through an avenue which best suits your own particular needs and preferences, paying particular attention to that center which is most natural for you to align with and to attune yourself towards.
One of the keys to successful focusing or meditation techniques includes the balancing effect of the least utilized center, as well as that of the most often utilized or the “natural” center.
For instance, our channel is in the emotional center, intellectual part [also referred to as the trap] and for this fragment bringing in, or adding the utilization of the least natural center, in this instance, the moving center, allows her to bring balance to the effects of the intellectual center trap.
Bringing in movement or motion allows the emotional center to then open into the corresponding Higher Emotional center as the “point of access” to the higher planes of existence and to join with the group energy field in her work with us. (As well as with those of other higher plane teachers with whom she has worked, of course.)
We offer this as an example of the benefits of the practice of using the least utilized center in order to balance the functioning of the other two centers, thereby opening further access to the higher centers required for more consciously aware essence contact experiences to occur. Not until the lower centers are in balanced function will the fragment be in a position to begin to gain mastery of the higher centered essence contact experiences as well.
So, the first practice then is the BALANCING of the three lower centers; the emotional, the intellectual and the moving. Through this balanced functioning, will more readily accessible and easeful transitions into the higher centered experiences of essence contact be enacted.
Focus, Intention, Attention & Establishing Sacred Space
Find a place where you feel safe, at ease and comfortable. Choose an opportunity when you will have adequate time in order to FOCUS [attention and intention] upon that which you wish to bring into the circle with you.
You may wish to spend 15 minutes, 20 minutes, or 30 minute intervals with your “focusing practice.” How long you wish to be with your practice is entirely up to you to ascertain. It is not how long you spend in “focused practice”, but how FOCUSED your attention, intention and how strong your desire is for such essence contact to occur in your "practice" that will determine it's essential value to you, personally, regardless of the length of time actually spent in the practice itself. [For instance, 20 seconds of fully focused intention and attention is far more effective, potent and essentially impactful than would be 20 minutes of unfocused distraction, interruption or intrusion in the meditation practice.]
This can occur in an instant of essence contact recognition, or it can be long and languishing; this is entirely up to you and your essence to determine. A period of prolonged contact is no more valid than a brief, but keenly and intensely felt experience, we would add. Time, as we have commented upon in our prior discourse on this subject matter, means little to nothing where Essence [and essence contact experience] is concerned. It is the impact itself and not the amount of time spent in essence contact, that is most relevant to Essence.
You may choose to contact your loved ones, or your animal essence "spirits" in any location that feels good and safe to you, whether it be indoors or outdoors. Establishing your sacred space is an important aspect of the focusing practice, however, because it is the definition of this sacred space that will determine what you might term your psychic and psychological boundaries while engaged with the essence contact experience.
Again, HOW you choose to establish such a ‘sacred space' for yourself to work within is entirely up to you. You may choose to use some type of physical object, such as a special stone, a favorite figurine, a long string or a marker of some other kind, which delineates your personal sacred space and establishes the parameters of what you might term your “essence contact vehicle” for the journey you are about to embark upon. Or, you may choose instead to simply mark your sacred space [or sacred circle] with a mental image of the animal spirit essences (and the “directions” or the specific positions they may fill within your circle) which you may wish to contact in your journey and/or that you may wish to guide you to your inner answers in your process of discovery. Defining your sacred space is, however, an important component of the second step toward what might be termed "shamanic" journeying.
Issuing The Invitation ~ Response & Receptivity ~ Essence Contact
We would suggest that an invitation to join your sacred circle, or your sacred space, be issued to the Essence concerned [whether human or animal essence], in some form. This need not take on an overly formal tone however; a simple heartfelt invitation to join you will suffice. When you can sense or can feel that Essence energy join with you in the circle, even if you cannot yet see it, literally, per se, simply allow your focus to begin to expand itself into a greater harmony and resonance with this spirit being, whether it is another fragment or an animal essence makes little difference in terms of the mechanics of a conscious essence contact experience. In fact, we have observed that many fragments blend, merge or connect with animal essences quite naturally and readily, when quite often “fragment to fragment” essence contact may elude them completely.
We would offer that such “animal essence contact” experiences are often initiated by the animal itself, and thus is not always an “invited” contact, per se, especially where there may be strong past or present lifetime experience with the particular animal essence concerned. Upon occasion, if the intention for essence contact to occur with one’s animal essence is strong, the animal itself will feel and respond to this unspoken request. This is not at all uncommon in fact.
We would also comment here that many of the animals offered in our channeling for each of you came to us through their own volition, even as many of you have “found” us in your spiritual advancement toward the older soul age cycle levels. They are "with" each of you because the animal essence has chosen to be with you, and not simply because we may have ”said so” or because we may have “called them in” for you, you see. We have simply opened our “collective essences” to receive those essential energies that were “up” for the human to animal essence contact experience, you could say. We have simply facilitated introductions as it were, if you wish to perceive it in that way..
Many of these animals have known or have experienced some form of contact with you in previous incarnations, in one form or another, OR, they may be animal essences who are seeking more direct human contact experiences in their own evolutionary cycle for their own reasons and purposes. These animal essences have come forward to make more conscious essence contact with you, even as you have chosen to do so with their animal essences in kind. All is chosen, even in the world of animal essence contact experiences and what you might term “shamanic” undertaking as well, yes?
There is much for each of you to learn about yourselves, your own essence and your animal essence friends and companions through such exploration and journeying experiences, regardless of the modality chosen by each of you. Some may prefer to work with one tradition and others with another, which is, from our perspective, far more arbitrary than is the Essence Contact experience itself. We would encourage each of you to utilize whatever modality best suits your own needs, desires, preferences and overleaf configurations, and even to create your own unique style, if you so choose.
The “sacred circle” is a symbol common to nearly all indigenous traditions in one form or another, and is a underlying symbol that almost all essences recognize on a conscious level; and thus, how it is appointed or adorned is entirely up to each of you.
We would like to offer you an opportunity to experiment and to explore this information in the course of the upcoming week's time frame, and to create a ”sacred circle” that is uniquely your own. How each of you choose to envision this circle to exist for you is your choice. Then, we would invite each of you to simply “BE” within this circle of friends and to invite the animal essence (or animal spirit) that would like to assist you first with your FEMALE side (left side energy), and then with your MALE side (right side energy), and to make a note of what you each experience in either a journal, or in writing of some type. This will allow each of you both to practice your focusing techniques and to sharpen your essence/personality connection at the same time. It will also serve to facilitate an initiation of sorts into what you may term "the shamanic journey" experience, or into the “essence contact experience,” more precisely.
We will return to meet with you again and to explore more of what you have learned through your application of the materials. Our channel requires a brief pause...we will return shortly and continue with a few Q and A from the floor.
We would like to add here, before beginning the Q and A, that the secondary center, or what some of you term your “trap” can often impede essence contact experiences, through the workings of the NCF influences, and the false personality perceptions. Recognizing this tendency then, will serve to assist you in furthering both your human and your animal essence contact experiences.
[Personal Questions Have Been Deleted For Privacy Sake]
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Thanks! Terri