Channeled Michael Chat The Three Aspects of Essence Contact (Intro) Channel: Terri Claire Benning Date: March 8th, 2000
MICHAEL: We are here, and ready when you are. Tonight's discourse will be on the following topic: The 3 Aspects of Essence Contact. We will give an opening statement and then we will give a short introduction tonight to each of the 3 aspects. We would then wish to follow up on each one of the specific forms of essence contact in subsequent channeling sessions.
There is much that we have to offer regarding this subject and would encourage cross-referencing the information given in your own time and intuitive ways. No two individuals will hear the information in quite the same way, so we would also like to encourage discussion of the subject matter offered, and also of those essence contact experiences which might prove useful and beneficial to all concerned.
There is nothing more powerful than VALIDATION of essence contact experiences for those who are interested in progress along the path of return to the Tao. The sharing and exchange of such experience is a very powerful method to reinforce the progress of each through the workings of the greater whole. We encourage you to share with one another those experiences which have meaning for you, in terms of your own personal experiences with essence contact, in whatever way this may have come to you personally. Essence contact is the most essential means of giving and receiving that which is MOST desired by essence itself, in other words.
Essence seeks essence contact experiences, not the personality per se. Allowing such essence contact experiences to come into the life experience is what essence seeks, regardless of the role. Conscious recognition and validation of essence contact experiences are among the most rewarding experiences that essence can create for itself to explore.
The 3 Aspects of Essence Contact are:
1. Self to Self Essence Contact 2. Self to Other Essence Contact 3. Self to Source Essence Contact
We use the term "Source" loosely here to mean that level of the essence that is in a continual state of communion with that which most closely represents the ultimate evolutionary attainment of that particular essence.
So, as we are using this term, it is a rather loosely applied terminology, since each essence will investigate their own “source” experience in its own unique way. Source, as we are utilizing it here, is what we would call a relative term.
The 3 Aspects of Essence Contact would be found to be a three part point of essence contact. These three aspects are indeed inseparable, as all three exist within a state of pure beingness. They are not truly separate functions, that is to say. They each operate in relation to the other two functions and are influenced by and through one another as well.
However, we do find it useful to understand the distinguishing features of each aspect, particularly in terms of the recognition and validation of essence contact experiences. Self to Self, Self to Other, and Self to Source are all intricately and inextricably interwoven within one another. They are, however, distinctly specific functions, aspects or components of the essence contact experience.
Perhaps a demonstration model would prove useful. Envision a triangle with each aspect of essence contact placed at each of the three corners of the triangle. If one were to maneuver this triangle, and to either heighten or lower any one of the three corners, this then would also heighten or lower the other corners, respectively, simultaneously. The three aspects are not what one would term isolated factors in the essence contact equation. Each corner will definitely influence, and be influenced, by the others.
Channeling and the 3 Aspects of Essence Contact
There is one more important aspect of the essence contact experience that we would like to bring to your attention this evening. This has to do with how we perceive the essence contact experience in terms of a channeled session. Utilizing the model that we have just presented, we would like to move forward now with how we perceive what is taking place when we work with our students through a channel, or a medium.
For our purposes tonight, we will give a VERY simple example of what is actually taking place in a channeled session, when it is done in alignment with our three point essence contact model. This example would hold especially true in the case of any type of channeling session (whether given individually or in a group setting) that is conducted in close physical proximity. All live channelings would certainly fall within the spectrum of our three point essence contact model as well.
Begin by visualizing the medium or the Self at the first corner of the triangle, the questioner or the Other at the second corner, and the channeled Source at the third corner. The Self and Other corners could be perceived as being at the base of the triangle, with the Source occupying the apex. You will observe that both the Self and the Other corners are both in direct, equal essence contact with the channeled "Source", as well as being engaged in Self to Other essence contact with one another. Both Self and Other are receiving equal energy and equal input from the channeled Source.
The Self corner is not necessarily more connected with the Source of the information than the Other corner. The channel or the medium may have had, perhaps, more experiences and opportunities for the recognition and validation of essence contact to occur. However, the energy and input from Source is dispensed (for lack of a better term) in equal measure.
Many people do not understand this concept, we have observed. Very often there is the notion present to the awareness that this energy and information is coming through only to the medium, or to the channel, but not to the other, or to the questioner. However, this is not the case. It is much more accurate to state that the medium has learned how to recognize and validate such essence contact experiences. They may simply have had more opportunities afforded them, through their own choices, to have had such essence contact experiences come into their lives.
We will go into further detail and will give additional information on these concepts over the next several weeks.
We would like to end our discourse tonight with a closing thought. We will then open the floor to Q & A.
We would like to remind our students once again that validation of essence, and of essence contact experiences. is what PROGRESSES the essence along the Path of Return to the Tao. Invalidation of essence, and of essence contact experiences, in turn, ARRESTS such progress.
In the case of the older soul, especially, depression is often the result of denied, invalidated, or rejected essence contact experiences. Whether that denial, invalidation, or rejection is of the Self, or of Other, or of Source makes little difference. The result is a deepening sense of disconnection or separation from Self, Other, and Source.
We are here and will take questions now.
Group Questions and Answers Session:
C: Actually, Michael, would you define "Essence" for me?
MICHAEL: Would you prefer the long or the short version?
C: Which ever one I will have the best chance of understanding.
MICHAEL: In that case, we would suggest that you use your dictionary. When you have done that we will be happy to elaborate. Suffice to say that essence is that part of you which remains intact, from lifetime to lifetime. It is that aspect of the whole being that has identified a point of reference that you have come to know and recognize as YOU.
C: My dictionary says "to be more at IS". Is this regardless of role?
MICHAEL: Essence is unique in its expression of itself as YOU, in each of your lives, and in all of your parallel and concurrent lives as well. Yes. That is a good definition to begin with. Essence is that aspect of you which recognizes itself AS YOU, in other words. Some have referred to this essential self perspective as the "I AM" awareness. This is also valid, as we perceive it.
Essence, of course, also contains within it, the essential spark of the Tao from which it has been cast. Essence IS to be experienced, in other words. It is an individual "I AM" journey into the depths of who you truly are. It is not something someone else can tell you about who you are. It is an actual experiential reality and/or truth.
Ask for deeper essence contact experiences to come into your life and you shall have them. You will recognize them by the distinct sense of 'true self' in the contact. Who knows better who you truly are, than you? No one else can tell you who you are. This is your work to do, you place to be, and your life to live, or not, as you choose.
C: Thank you Michael. I'm sorry to be so dense, but I'm having some trouble with this. Would all "experiences" then be essence experiences? Since all experiences are for learning who we are and who we are not?
MICHAEL: It is true that essence is intimately aware of every moment of every experience it creates or generates. However, personality may or may not choose to embrace such awareness. This inner "knowing", or understanding, cannot come through to you from another. By its very nature, it must come through YOU. That is all on this question for now then.
JY: I understand essence as being the master control for the personality. Its jobs include setting up life roles, goals and tasks, as well as integrating that life back into itself and the lessons and experiences of that life. Also, essence keeps track of what the personality is doing throughout the life, hence our old soul review at the end of each year. So, by having contact with essence regularly, you can understand where you are in terms of your life plan and make adjustments.
MICHAEL: Yes to all of the above regarding essence. Essence also does much more, some of which may be quite incomprehensible to the physically focused fragment. We will go into greater depth on this subject in the next several weeks.
MV: I am somewhat confused about essence. Sometimes I feel like there are two of me: essence and the personality of this body. Aren't we the same, and how is it I get cut off from “me”?
MICHAEL: To the extent that you deny the IS within you, or reject or invalidate the IS, that is the extent to which you have become disengaged from essence. Truly, one does not ever disengage from essence completely, as we have stated prior, in other channeling sessions on this subject matter. But one can certainly choose to deny the existence of essence...that is true. This is what we would term “invalidation” of essence. Denial of essence equals invalidation of essence. Denial of essence directed promptings or input on the life would be another form of the invalidation of essence as well.
Embracing essence in all of its forms, within Self, within Other, and within Source is what we mean by "validation" of Essence. Denial of any one of the corners of the triangle lowers the overall impact of essence directed progress in the life.
Essence contact recognition is the first step toward validation. Many of you are currently undergoing significant transformational changes in this area even as we speak. So please give some time, thought and consideration to that which has been given through this and other channels, and allow the information to seep into your awareness, a little at a time.
We think that as older souls, many of you will have much to add of your own to this discussion, and will tend to be very inclined to want to share such experiences as well. This is due not only to the soul age perceptions of most of you, but also due to the nature of those who are here gathered. There are many expression axis factors in this particular grouping which should make for some very rich exchanges within this community.
When you invite essence contact experiences to come into your life, you will have much to gain, much to share, and much to offer one another.
If that is all then, we will now conclude this evening's channeling.
Good Night. END.
Channeled Michael Chat The 3 Aspects of Essence Contact Part One ~ Self to Self Essence Contact Channel: Terri Claire Benning Date: March 2000
MICHAEL: We are here and will begin now.
Self to Self Essence Contact ~ (Part One)
The topic for tonight's discussion will focus upon the Self to Self essence contact experience.
Self to Self essence contact is the “gateway,” if you will, through which one may gain access to each of the other corners of our triangle demonstration model. It is what you would call the central point of access to the other two forms of essence contact, and as such, is where we will begin our investigation into the experience known as "essence contact."
Self to Self essence contact may show up in such experiences as "higher self" intuition, past and future lives, parallel lives, concurrent lives, and also in certain specific cases with what might be termed, sub-personalities, and/or, even multiple selves phenomena. Essence is not limited, of course, to time and space and so may participate in ALL of these experiences simultaneously, and with equal enthusiasm, and with great interest in each!
It is possible then, to gain access to such essence contact experiences through the true personality, in any given time frame or focus of experience. Each of these forms or parts of the Self, are dynamically linked and interwoven into all of the others, through essence itself, and as such, would also bear influence upon one another, as well as bearing influence upon this and other lives for the fragment so focused.
This means that you have the innate ability to focus your intention and attention toward these other aspects of the Self in such a way so as to gain certain kinds of awareness, perception, insight and presence to the various experiences of the overall essence experience.
You are never truly separate from essence, however, it *is* possible to become so distracted with the current life demands, that you may have quite simply and literally forgotten "how" to re-member your essential self and re-call who you truly are. Essentially speaking, it is then, a process of remembering who you truly are, as well as remembering who others are, or who they may have been to you in multiple incarnations, alternative realities and dimensions of consciousness.
This is what we are referring to when we speak of essence contact with that of the Self, or Self to Self essence contact.
This second aspect would then be that which we would term, "Self to Other" essence contact. Suffice to say that Self to Self essence contact is the "point of entry" to both "Self to Other" and to what we have referred to as "Self to Source" essence contact experiences. This is why essence contact experiences are so profoundly impactful, often life changing, and are considered to be rather rare within your contemporary cultural framework for many fragments.
ESSENCE IS ALWAYS PRESENT TO ANY AND ALL OF ITS CHOSEN EXPERIENCES; THIS IS TRUE. PERSONALITY ITSELF MAY OR MAY NOT BE AWARE OF ESSENCE PRESENCE, however, at any given moment in time, and may or may not choose to validate such experience.
Personality may choose to focus its intention and attention on more mundane affairs, for example. This does not mean nor imply however, that essence is "off the planet" or "out to lunch" or that it is simply "kicking back watching you go through Hell." This is a very common misconception, we have found, amongst many fragments.
Personality may however then choose to ignore, deny, or invalidate that Truth. This is what most often constitutes what we would term the "invalidation" of essence.
Self to Self essence contact does require of the fragment such applications, practices and disciplines of the personality itself as would prove useful and beneficial to the recognition and validation of essence, as a PRIMARY FOCUS in the work to be accomplished in the life. This recognition and validation may come forward in the fragment's awareness of essence as that of Self, through self examination of the current, past, future, parallel, and concurrent lives, as well as through that which could be termed "sub-personalities." Also, there is the need to address as well, the Four Pillars and the Life Task, and to engage in those activities which would then serve to promote the essence's direction and input into the current life as well.
Self to Self essence contact means, "living the life as essence has conceived it to be lived" in it's most profound state. Accessing and being supple enough to follow essence's direction in the life experience is the most profound level of essence contact that one can embrace, truly. Learning *how* to follow essence's input and direction in the life is the "essence" OF and IN the Self to Self essence contact experience. Being "receptive to essence" is the task of the true personality oriented toward positive pole experiences in the life. Essence contact is not simply "for the rich and the famous" with much leisure time and money to spend or only for the solitary bodhisattva meditating upon a lone mountain top, or for the late or final level old souls only! It is something that each of you may choose to employ in your day to day choices and within your daily life experiences.
We would also like to add here that there are certain types of Self to Self essence contact that do require access of the higher centers. This might occur in such cases as when the essence must take over the body entirely, in order to ensure the preservation of the physical vehicle. This would be the case in an emergency situation, for instance, or if the fragment were to come into contact with another essence who would be found to reside on a much higher plane of existence than their own. These examples would require of said fragment, the use of the "higher centers" in the Self to Self essence contact experience.
We will talk more about the various uses of the centers in another discourse, and will now open the floor to questions.
Group Questions and Answers Session
A: Would you explain what is meant by essence to essence contact please?
MICHAEL: Thank you. Yes, we would be happy to give a brief description of this here. However, we would also wish to add that we will be going into greater depth with this information in subsequent channelings on the subject. Essence to Essence "essence contact" is what we would term Self to Other essence contact, just for the record you understand. Are we understanding you correctly?
A: Yes. Is this meant as in recognizing the essence of another?
MICHAEL: Yes. Two distinct essences recognize and validate themselves as essence first, and are therefore now in a position to recognize and validate one another. This is the deepest form of "True Intimacy" that one can experience, with or without a physical body.
Self to Other essence contact does NOT require a body, but can certainly be accessed from within the body. This is a state of "essence awareness" of Self and Other, in its totality. It is perceived quite often as that of a profound sense of familiarity or simply as deep knowing of one another's essence. And again, we would state here that learning *how* to recognize essence contact when it is occurring is key, as well as is validation of one's experiences. Invalidation occurs when the underlying fears of NCF and false personality are prevalent in either or both of the fragment's perspective(s).
Now this awareness of essence in Self and in Other is not subject to the senses alone, although the recognition of such a familiar fragment may be perceived or experienced in this manner, yes. But the true essence of the Self to Other essence contact experience is not subject to the workings of the physical plane, as essence is not truly OF the physical plane. True essence contact of this nature requires tremendous openness and unconditional love, or agape` to be brought to bear upon the experience itself, for it to be of longer than a "momentary" duration. But, it is possible to sustain a greater frequency of such essence contact experiences in the Self to Other relationship, provided there is a willingness on both sides to explore such intimate contact with the other. Thank you for your question.
H: What type of conditions would cause essence to preserve the vehicle?
MICHAEL: We would offer the following example: This type of situation would tend to occur when the fragment has met with some kind of potentially life threatening encounter with another fragment, or with a vehicle, a plane crash, a fire, or other such *state of emergency.* Such circumstances would require essence to “take over the driving" or to take over the vehicle of the body itself in it's entirety, in order to advert, and/or to divert or to overcome the impending danger, especially if and when the situation in not in essence’s plans for the life. This type of Self to Self essence contact will also occur often just prior to the actual death, or just prior to impact in an automobile accident, say, whether or not that accident will actually result in the termination of the fragment's physical existence. In such a case, all of the fragment’s senses are greatly heightened and enhanced and time may appear to pass either extremely slowly, or conversely, very rapidly for the fragment. Time may even appear suspended. You may find this type of essence contact in a circumstance where there is a profoundly felt event, or series of events, wherein the fragment was not able to fully comprehend the full ramifications of those events. This could occur in a highly charged or traumatic series of events, such as might be found in a nuclear explosion.
JY: My question is two parts, but they are interrelated. First, you said that some intuition is essence contact. Would this be the same intuition that allows two people that have newly met to be able to know what the other one will say, such as in a chat room when one person is talking and the other one is typing and they are saying the same thing consistently?
MICHAEL: Yes, this is actually a form of Self to Other essence contact, accessed through the Self to Self essence contact, and experienced through the 5th & 6th chakras, primarily. While in a body, of course, there are channelings of this type that DO occur on a fairly regular basis. However the depth of the essence contact experience resides within the deeper layers of essence, or more specifically, the essences involved. Does this make sense for you?
JY: Yes, there is much more going on in the other dimensions that I as a fragment am not aware of.
MICHAEL: Would you mind restating your 2nd question please?
JY: What I would like to learn is how to bring more into my conscious awareness. You stated that you do not have to have a body for essence contact, so I'm wondering if my contact with my discarnate ET, specifically the day that I discovered he/she (he in his last life) was my grandfather, is also within the parameters of self to other essence contact.
MICHAEL: Yes. This begins with learning *how to recognize* it when it is happening in the first place, and *how to validate* that which has indeed occurred, secondly. This practice will build confidence in the fragment's own sense of Self awareness, as well as in their essence contact with Others. One experience at a time, and instance by instance is the best approach. This is a valid path. Your personal experience is an excellent example of this form of essence contact indeed. We would also wish to validate your experience of this fragment as that of your ET for you as well tonight. That was indeed a correct perception on your part. Good work, we would also like to add at this time.
JY: Thank you, it helps for future references upon continuing my work.
MICHAEL: Yes, this is precisely how each of you will learn (or remember) how to recognize and to validate your essence contact experiences. One by one, beginning with Self to Self Essence Contact is always the best place to begin. For if you cannot recognize and validate the essence of your Self, it will be most difficult, if not impossible, to then do so with Other's, or with Source.
The channel is growing weary, so we will close the floor queue, and will conclude the channeling for tonight.
That is all. Goodnight.
Channeled Michael Chat Topic: The 3 Aspects of Essence Contact Part Two ~ Self to Other Essence Contact Channel: Terri Claire Benning Date: March 2000
MICHAEL: We are here, and ready when you are.
Self to Other Essence Contact ~ (Part Two)
MICHAEL: Tonight's discourse will include the 2nd Aspect of Essence Contact, which we have termed "Self to Other" essence contact. Self to Other essence contact is possible to consciously recognize and validate when one has remembered *first* how to recognize and validate the "gateway" or the "point of entry" as that which we have termed Self to Self essence contact.
We have given some information on Self to Self essence contact in a prior channeling session, for those of you who may not have been present to that particular channeling.
We will continue on then now with this evening's discourse, based upon the information as previously given. You may wish to review this earlier chat log, in order to better glean the context and relevance of this evening's session.
We will now begin our channeling on tonight's topic as scheduled.
The second corner of our triangle demonstration model would represent what we have termed here as Self to Other essence contact. This form of essence contact is not difficult to comprehend. It is that level of communion that exists between two or more fragments on an essence level. Self to Other essence contact is operational within the deeper levels of what you might term the subconscious. It also exists within the deeper layers of the super-conscious mind, as well as the subconscious. This deeper level has also been referred to as the collective consciousness. Essence exists in a state of what you might term "multidimensional totality." It is *not* limited to the physical plane experience alone, nor is it limited to the perceptions of the distinct self focus (or of the individuated portion of consciousness), or simply to the personality level awareness alone. In Truth, all essences are, within the deepest layers of beingness, profoundly connected and interwoven into a grand tapestry of essential aliveness and indeed, *communion* with all other grand cycling essences as well. In Truth, all essence's have within their essential grasp the innate ability to communicate and/or to commune with all Other essences, and all other existing life forms.
The innate ability to experience this form of essence contact, or essential communion is not difficult to engage, however, it is often most perplexing to personality to grasp the entirety of the exchange. Therefore, most fragments will experience only glimpses of this level of interaction, and will very often conclude that this "perceived level" or this small glimpse is all that is occurring, when nothing could be further from the truth. It is quite easy to then conclude that this brief experience is all there is to the contact encountered, and that nothing more need be explored. This conclusion then will serve to assuage certain NCF influences and false personality fears related to the actual depth and immensity of essence, as well as to the innate intensity and intimacy of the directly felt essence contact experience.
Self to Other essence contact occurs everyday, and can even operate through the most mundane of circumstances, with or without the personalities' full awareness that this may even be taking place. There are many instances where essence is busy "behind the scenes", dynamically interacting, in order to help those fragment(s) in creating opportunities for certain vectors to be employed and facilitating the meeting up with various karmas, monads, agreements, etc.
This form of essence contact touches upon what the fragment Carl Jung perceived as the functioning of the Synchronistic Mind.
Even in course of working through various types of squabbles, imbalances, karmas in the life, essence is not simply "kicking back and watching it all unfold." No.
It is on the level of personality that one chooses to be aware (or to become aware) of what is already there, or not. One may choose to learn how to recognize and validate such essence contact experiences, or not, in other words. Learning how to effectively recognize and validate the various forms of essence contact is a skill that may be developed, and does not necessarily always come in the form of a so called "mystical" experience. Many of these so called "mystical experiences" really have more to do with learning how to access the higher centers, (which we will speak to in another session) than they do with what we would term "true essence contact" experiences, or with what you might term "true essence communion" experiences.
Self to Other essence contact is how the essence learns about itself in relation to Other Self. Right relationship to Self, to Other, and to Source is the exploration of essence itself through the three forms or the 3 Aspects of the Essence Contact experience. Essence has its own lessons to learn, and progress to make, just as does the incarnate personality, which is the vehicle through which essence will gather much of this desired experience.
The more pliable, supple and responsive to essence the personality becomes in the life, the more easily essence may then proceed with its plans for the grand cycle objective(s) as well. This has become quite common knowledge, however it is not yet quite such common practice. The "de-mystification" of the essence contact experience will serve to enhance the life choices and the overall life experiences of both essence and personality, as we perceive it, at this time in your development. It will also serve to eliminate much entropy from the currently extant energetic currents on your planet at this time. The belief and the adherence to such belief in the "separation of body and spirit", "spirit and matter" and/or "essence from fragment," (or 'personality) has become and *is* the most prevalent and persistent form of maya, or of false personality illusion currently extant on your planet today.
There is more that we have to give on this subject in the future, and once again, would like to encourage the cross referencing of this information, as well as the sharing of such "essence contact" experiences as you have identified and validated for yourselves. This subject is *not* one that will be covered in a single evening's channeling, this is a fact. However, we feel that introducing these various forms that the essence contact experiences may take will prove to be most stimulating and interesting for almost all of you at this time.
There is still much "good work" to be accomplished by those of you who are the "older soul ushers" into the mature soul age levels of awareness, and the transitional times which are now in full swing. And of course, the older the soul age level, the more responsibility is felt to bring this mature soul age level energy to bear upon the planet itself.
We will open the floor to Questions now.
Group Questions and Answers Session
H: What are some examples of essences' grand cycle objectives besides reduction of entropy?
MICHAEL: The essence progresses itself along the path of return though the use of what we have termed "octaves" of experience. These octaves of experience are much like units earned in the Higher School of Awareness and are viewed and organized by the essence in much the same way. There are certain *required courses* of study that essence must complete, and then there are also many *elective courses* or areas of specialization that essence may choose to employ in the overall curriculum as well.
They are then as follows:
Grand Cycle Octaves, Major Octaves and Minor Octaves.
Examples of of grand cycle octaves for instance might include LOVE or ENERGY or WILL, or a combination of several such themes that each essence will select, design and then refine for itself in order to progress, learn and evolve itself along the Path of Return to the Tao. This is however, an entire subject unto itself, that will still require much preparation of the channel involved in the transmissions.
This should give you a general idea in any case, as to how these experiences are structured and accumulated by essence.
JPO: Thank you. Michael, how can we know when essence is trying to get our attention?
MICHAEL: There are many valid ways in which to approach Self to Self essence contact. It is truly a very personal inner relationship, or journey into the Self, and each essence/fragment/personality will have its own unique set of signals and "essential rapport" which may then be enhanced and expanded to include "Other" forms of essence contact as well. This inner rapport with essence may show itself in a rich variety of shapes, textures, symbols, and colors, not to mention, of course, an ever evolving perception on the part of the essence itself.
JPO: Could you give us some examples?
MICHAEL: This shows up differently for each fragment, and as such, it is by necessity, an entirely personal journey into the essential Self. However, there are some signs and or signals which may prove universally applicable, if you will. They are *very* general, simply because they are so universal.
There are certain universal symbols which are recognized by nearly all essences within your particular Grand Cycle. These universal symbols are buried deep within the original set of "blueprints" for your particular species. Some of these symbols are still quite active and widely accessible within the subconscious mind, and within what you would term the super conscious or "collective conscious" of your species. There are major grand cycle symbols as well as "world symbols" and so on, down to the very personal levels of the individual essence/fragment/personality experience.
For instance, the duality symbol of the "Twin Central Suns" is one of these ancient images. It is part of the symbol bank for this particular universe, in which the nature of duality is being explored most predominantly. Other universes are exploring different premises, which may be based upon various mathematical equations and contexts.
There are many such symbols and modes of essence expression and language tucked away in the deeper levels of your collective psyche and it is a language which may be discovered, recovered and recognized by each of you with ongoing practice.
We would wish to encourage the ongoing exploration and identification of one's OWN unique inner "essence contact language". We would wish to remind all here once again, that this is a very personal journey into the Self, as the primary "point of entry" into the other two forms of essence contact. The old adage "KNOW thyself" would most certainly apply to the essence contact experience, in any of its forms.
We would wish to conclude this evenings channeling now as the channel is growing weary. Thank you for your questions and for your participation in this evening's event.
We are always is YOU who come and go!
That is all. Good night.
(Currently under construction)
The 3 Aspects of Essence Contact ~ (Self to Source Essence Contact)
This log is being edited and will be posted soon. Please check back again to read the final log in the series.
Thank you, Terri